Sunday, January 25, 2009

Another Meme IV: The Voyage Home

31. Summer or winter?: Summer, I love the hot sun beating down on the land. I just love heat altogether. I hate winter so much it’s almost depressing.

32. Hugs or kisses?: How about neither? I’m not a touchy-feely guy. I don’t like handshakes either. I’ll take a hug from an attractive woman, but I just don’t give them out like coupons. After the hug, “There’s more where that came from.”

33. Favorite desserts?: Ice Cream sandwiches

34. I’m most likely to...: Breakout before you get bum rushed!

35. I’m least likely to...: Make eye contact.

36. What book are you reading now?: Currently, “Everything Bad is Good For You” by Steven Johnson. It’s how modern pop culture is actually making us smarter.

37. What is on your mouse pad?: I used to have an Episode I mouse pad, but now an really old Gateway one that is really dirty.

38. What did you watch on television last night?: Nothing, I watched a movie.

39. Favorite sounds?: A train horn, all the sounds of summer.

40. Rolling Stones or The Beatles?: I don’t care about either one. Not my scene. How about the Rolling Beatles Stones?

41. What is the furthest you’ve been from home?: Nimbus III. There was an emotional Vulcan living there too.

42. Do you have a special talent?: Writing answers to Memes. What’s yours?

43. Where were you born?: Earth, third planet in Sol. What kind of question is that?

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