Friday, December 26, 2008

The Spirit: Some guy really likes the movie...

Could there be some shady things going on in the Lionsgate and their marketing of ‘The Spirit’? The good folks over at Slash Film discovered a certain review quote for one of the Spirit TV spots.

Someone at Lionsgate made one critic into critics. This critic calls The Spirit “One of the best movies of the year”. That’s not something you throw around unless you’re looking for a movie quote to be played on an ad.

Even the most positive reviews of The Spirit aren’t that positive. I just find it strange a big budget studio (is Lionsgate really that big?) has to dig up a glowing review like this and make it seem like a lot of critics are digging the movie.

What would be worst is if a marketing firm started quoting me from one of my reviews. I’m just a stupid blogger.

You can click on the link above and do a search into the guy that was behind the review.

Side note: The movie is hovering around 14% on rotten tomatoes. For comparison, Meet Dave has a 19% and The Spirit is tied with The Love Guru.

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