Friday, December 26, 2008

Disney dumps The Chronicles of Narnia series

We've been dropped?

Disney dumps The Chronicles of Narnia series

I enjoyed the first film, actually I enjoyed the animals and the world more than the child actors, but I still haven’t got around to seeing the second movie. However, given how Disney treated the second film, it is no wonder they are dropping out of the third film.

From the link above,

((While declining to elaborate, Disney and Walden Media confirmed Tuesday that for budgetary and logistical reasons the Burbank-based studio is not exercising its option to co-produce and co-finance the next "Narnia" movie with Walden.))

Something tells me Disney started to get cold feet right around the opening of the second movie.

((It is rare for a studio to pull out of a planned trilogy in midstream, but the number-crunching showed a franchise on a downward trend. "Lion" roared to $292 million domestically and another $453 million internationally in 2005. This year, "Prince Caspian" grossed a healthy $141 million in North America and another $278 million internationally, but that was well off the "Lion" take.))

I think part of the problem was Disney releasing the film in May of this year, when it should have been released in November 2008.

Anyway, something tells me some studio will probably pick up the movie and release it.


  1. aww that's a shame. I think the
    3rd movie should be made. Thanks for the heads up on the news.


  2. no problem, I remember some rumblings about Disney being very unhappy with the box office returns with the second movie.
