Monday, November 24, 2008

Random Stuff

Random Stuff

~I have two major projects due in the coming weeks. One is me memorizing 15-minutes of me speaking about myself in Arabic. That's right, that's me speaking Arabic. A-lan-b-ee-k

~Katie Couric talks about her time with Sarah Palin: First off, Katie has some amazing legs! She’s very honest about her interview with Sarah Palin. In a strange way, I've always had a crush on Katie Couric.

~How the moon was formed: There's been many theories as to how exactly the moon was made. She basically supports the theory that something hit the Earth when it was forming and moon formed from that broken off piece. Giant Impact hypothesis is the the theory I believe she's talking about.

~Joe the Plumber has a Book Deal?: The Paris Hilton of politics Joe is getting a book deal. Okay, I'm jealous, I can't get a book deal, but a below average Joe can? The losers of this election are getting more press than the ones in the last election. Perhaps, they should have made him the vice president candidate.

~I'm really getting sick of those new X-Box 360 ads with the people staring into the screen with those goofy faces. Are they saying their system makes people into idiots? It kind of reminds me of the Star Trek TNG Episode “The Game”. I can't stand these new ads.

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