Sunday, November 23, 2008

five questions about Madonna...

I like the older woman as much as the next guy, I really do. But, can Madonna at least dress a bit more conservative now? Some pants or longer skirt might be nice.

You’re not in the 1980s now. I’m not saying this because of her age, but because she’s starting to look a like a dude. I’m just saying…

Anyway, I do have five questions about Madonna.

1. Is the British accent real or put on?

2. What happens when Guy Ritchie hears one of her songs on the radio? Does he turn the channel or cry in his drink?

3. Is there a way to travel back in time and stop a very young Madonna from starring in Who's That Girl and Shanghai Surprise? We could very well live in a world where there never was a movie called Swept Away.

4. Does she still sing some of her older songs from the 80s and earlier 90s; you know the good ones, in her newer concerts?

5. How does one follow Dennis Rodman both physically and mentally? Remember she dated Rodman for a while.

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