Friday, October 24, 2008

Random Things

Random Things

~Newer Watchmen Trailer (From an event) I have to say this one is even better than the last trailer. There are a few more FX shots. While this might not break even with normal crowds, I'm looking forward to it.

~Shatner is one angry man, claims he wasn't invited to Takei wedding: I just like how Shatner spins things in different direction whenever its negative toward him. (Remember that whole JJ Abrams Thing?) Sulu says he invited him. But, I do have to side with Shatner on one point, I am not a huge fan of weddings and silently loath being invited to them. I'd still go out of respect.

~Shopping Cart Failure: This one is the best. Watch as a pair of Target workers forget to close the door on truck, which is full of shopping carts. Watch their delayed reaction too. (Actually, I think it was the trucker's fault.)

~Special Needs kid kicks a young child and then is knocked out by the father of the child: In this battle, who do you cheer for? Because you'll feel bad picking sides. The father knocks the kid out in one punch. By the way, why did the down syndrome kid kick the toddler? Who was he talking to on the phone? I'm sure the father was acting on instinct and didn't realize the kid had problems. Hmm, could that be the same father that knocked out that girl at McDonald's?

~Woman vs. Coffee table: (Table 1, Woman 0)I feel bad for her, but why was she standing on a table singing? Since she recorded it herself, How did this video get out?

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