Friday, October 24, 2008

Obama Bucks: Now that's just dumb

Wow, just wow.

Obama Bucks (Source of Post)

Okay, I mean "WTF".

Are you kidding me? When you have an intelligent black man trying to break people's old fashion views of stereotypes and then someone decides to publish this racist cartoon in a newsletter, that's just dumb.

And I thought the Curious George shirt was out of line.

I've always said that we've come a long way in race relations, but then something so stupid comes around and knocks your faith down. Keep in mind many Republicans have come out against this photo.

Read on to see what happened...

((But when Diane Fedele, president of the Chaffey (Calif.) Community Republican Women, Federated, put the illustration in her October newsletter it sparked such criticism that she resigned this week. The critics included some California Republicans and news media pundits, including MSNBC cable host Keith Olbermann.))

Keep in mind a Democrat actually created the picture. His name is Timothy Kastelein. While I understand the reasons behind the drawing, I have to ponder if he was aware somebody would take so seriously that they'd place in a damn newsletter.

((Kastelein, 31, said the cartoon was meant to satirize "fringes of the Republican Party who fear a black president."))

Here's where it gets even better.

((According to the Press Enterprise of Riverside, Calif., Fedele said she did not know the food items were African-American stereotypes and were considered insulting. "I do not think like a bigot. ..." she wrote in her resignation letter.))

Is she for real?

There is a bucket of chicken, a watermelon, and a stack of ribs. Then to top it off, there's the damn Kool-Aid man yelling "Oh, Yeah!" They couldn't used just a glass of Kool-Aid, but instead they used the damn Kool-Aid man. (He should have been busting out of the dollar bill.)

Fedele, you've pissed off the KFC folks, but don't piss off the Mother-Fing Kool-Aid Man. He'll bust through all your walls.

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