Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ebert reviews eight minutes

There seems to be a bit of a controversy about Roger Ebert only watching the first 8 minutes of Tru Loved (Trailer here) and writing a review of those eight minutes. He received a DVD Screener and could only get through eight minutes. He ends up defending his decision in this post, which has over 400 comments.

I think he should have mentioned it up front that he couldn’t get through the movie and the review was only for the first eight minutes. On the other hand, I can see why he didn’t finish the movie. At his age and poor health, time is more important than ever. Why waste it on a foolish movie?

Anyway, I know you’re not suppose to judge a movie by its trailer, with the exception of The Spirit, but this trailer stinks. So, I don’t see it improving with the movie one bit.

By the way, yes Nichelle Nichols (Star Trek) and Jasmine Guy (A Different World) are in the movie too.

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