Monday, October 20, 2008

Colin Powell says he’ll vote for Obama.

Colin Powell says he’ll vote for Obama.

This is not a political blog but...

I’ve always liked Powell. While I don’t agree with all his political beliefs, I think he is a respectable moderate voice from within the Republican Party. I wasn’t a fan of some of the political maneuvering he helped convey in the Iraqi War, but I still like the guy.

Taken from the link above…

((President Bush’s former Secretary of State said that he was backing Mr Obama, not because of his race, but because he had met the standard to be an exceptional President. And he delivered a stinging rebuff to the Republican, John McCain, describing his campaign as petty and troubling))

I have to agree with Powell. The McCain ticket has gotten dirty, really dirty. I do not like some of the pure racism that’s being fueled by their smear campaign from the crowds. There are truly people out there that are afraid of having a black president and the McCain group is giving them a voice. And, I have to ask why?

Are these the people you want supporting you?

Like Powell, I also respected John McCain and I supported him back when he ran against Bush. But he’s helping feeding these scare ads and tactics. Back in the day, I saw McCain as the guy that stood up to the religious right and fought strongly for campaign finance reform. Now, he’s become the mouthpiece of the very groups he was against all those years.

One thing I will say to Powell; watch out for the organized backlash. They’re coming.

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