Monday, August 18, 2008

Yet, even more fun with comments. (Bring it on)

Yet, even more fun with comments.

The saga involving that cheerleader story I did about a year and a half ago is still getting hits. I mean, I still see about 5-10 hits on that damn page. I get hits from all the way over in India. Yet, the post is a year old, I still get comments from people about her and her pictures.

Here are a few amusing ones that have popped up over that year.

This one comes from one of her so-called Roommates

((I don't know where you got your information about becca, but you are incorrect about so much of the story. I was her roommate and if you don't knwo what your talking about, you really should have a blog about it. This story doesn't need to be in the news, this story needs to go away. she is a wonderful girl and doesn;t deserve any of this!))

For a while people were wondering if the whole cheerleader story was real. Many thought it was merely a pornstar posing in those pictures.

By leaving this comment, she pretty much confirmed everything that happened. So, in a way she helped bring more attention to the damn story. Somehow, this roommate decided I was the blame for her friend’s pictures. (Since I go to the same school, I’ve probably passed her or shared a class with this angry woman.)

I didn’t take the picture lady and the story broke 2-months earlier.

Another amusing comment comes from this dude.

((I completely agree that she should not have been forced out of school over this. She was of-age when the photos were taken, and while I'm sure there's some sort of "morality clause" associated with being on a UofL Varsity Squad, I'm also sure that summarily kicking her out of the university over this is actionable.
That being said, if I could send Becca a note (and I've tried through both what I think were her real Facebook and email addresses), I would say that since she's already gotten such a harsh penalty, she might as well use all the publicity for to her advantage, and get some photos up on a pay-per-view site dedicated to herself.
I mean, why not? We've already seen every inch of her body, including some shots with someone else IN her....why not take a couple hundred photos, charge a $20 entry fee (or $50!) and make some money off all the attention.
I'm not pushing my website, but if Becca (or her roommate from above) reads this, I'd love to hear from them to help her set up such a site. Could be done really fast.))

E-mail removed

This guy actually e-mailed her. “Hey, saw you naked, can we talk?” That would seem a little awkward and there is no other way to put it nicely really, especially when you see someone naked. Something tells me she wants to put all this behind her (pun not intended). With a different hair color, she can get back into school and live a normal life.

I really do like this guy. He’s persistent. He is thinking outside the box (pun intended). I just think she wants to be left alone. Though, it is certainly a way to make cash.

Is this guy a porn producer?

And the last comment

If you are her so called roomate Where did she go to high school? Becasue i went to high school with her.

This one goes back to the other comment above that attacked me.

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