Monday, August 18, 2008

Tropic Thunder Part 2 of 2

As I stated before, Tom Cruise steals the movie with is Joel Silver impression. His makeup and body suit make him almost unrecognizable. Plus, he really knows how to dance to, which he didn’t know how to do earlier this year. At one point, Tom’s character goes into a rant/screaming threat with the ‘bad guys’, and I laughed my butt off in the theater. Tom almost makes me forgive him for all that Scientology shit he’s been pooping out lately. Watching him dance is worth the price of the ticket.

Matthew McConaughey is another guy that surprised me with his role here. He puts aside his ‘dude’ character for a fast-talking agent. He really puts an interesting spin on an otherwise one-dimensional character. There are moments when you see him deciding to make a moral choice that are done completely in his expressions. I loved seeing him playing the Wii every time he’s in his office.

Robert Downey Jr. simply brings his best game as the Russell Crow who turns himself into a black character. In this movie, he’s an actor that can’t get out of character even when another character makes fun of his Australian heritage. There are points when his character almost “breaks the fourth wall” because it is so funny. There is nothing offensive about this character.

I should also mention that the fake trailers at the beginning of the movie are funny as hell. It reminded me of the trailers in the Grindhouse movie. This time, they actually use competing real studio logos in their fake trailers. I couldn’t believe the other studios let them do that. (Alpa Chino’s booty sweat video was freaking great.)

With all this praise, there are a few problems in the movie. Ben Stiller isn’t exactly that good in his role, but still funny in his role. The short running time means that many subplots go unresolved or dropped completely. There are hints of the deleted scenes in the various trailers and ads. Because there are so many characters in this movie, some of them are shortchanged, such as Nick Nolte. Sometimes the jokes are so inside Hollywood that people that don’t know anything about movie trivia won’t get them.

Tropic Thunder is a bloody, politically incorrect movie that is a lot of fun, minus a few drawbacks. (Tyra Banks has no reason to be in this movie.) It is a funny movie that might surprise you.

Grade: B

Tropic Thunder II: Full Hamburger Hill Jacket

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