Thursday, August 21, 2008

What Happened to Wesley Snipes? By Rotten Tomatoes

His next movie: How to stay out of jail!
I took a stroll through one of the Blockbusters store and came What Happened to Wesley Snipes? By Rotten Tomatoes

I took a stroll through one of the Blockbusters store and came across a display of Wesley Snipes newest movie The Art of War II: Betrayal. I heard they were making another one, but I didn’t know they were making it direct to video. Then I thought, “Did we need another Art of War?”

I mentioned this before, but it seems like Wesley Snipes’ career is now in the direct to DVD realm. The link above shows the downward spiral of this guy.

I wasn’t the only one to notice this too.

This guy first started out doing Sports comedies like Wildcats and Major League. He even was the main bad guy from that Michael Jackson Bad video. He received critical acclaim for showing up in Spike Lee’s films too.

He freaked and pissed me off when he became a drag queen in To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything, Julie Newmar. What the heck was that about?

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