Friday, August 22, 2008

Random Junk

Jerry Seinfeld: “Whyyyyyyyyyyyyy is it called Microsoft? Doesn’t micro mean small, microscopic? Isn’t the software company a huge corporation? Shouldn’t we call it Macrosoft?”

Yeah, he’s getting paid 10 million for that.

Random Junk

~Georgian News reporter that got shot: This is a tough woman. She gets shot, doesn't cry and continues to report the news. This is the type of woman I want. A woman that can take a few hits from sniper fire is alright in my book. If I ever get shot at, I know she has my back.

Btw, shooting at a news reporter? What threat do they are cause you?

~Wait, John McCain doesn't know how many houses he owns? Are we getting forgetful in our old age, McCain. Damn it, I really used to like John McCain, but with the Paris Hilton thing and this I'm started to dislike the dude.

~Jerry Seinfeld is getting paid 10 million dollars to promote Microsoft in some upcoming ads. Way to keep it fresh there, Bill Gates. Seinfeld hasn't had a hit weekly show in years. Best remark comes from Andrew Kretzer, (("I find it ironic that in order to 'out hip' Apple (NSDQ:AAPL), Microsoft is hiring a comedian whose prime was a decade ago. They may as well have Phil Collins do the background music while they're at it," he said. ))

I know Bill Gates thinks he's funny, but I'd say he's not the demo MS wants to attract. I think the X-Box marketing guys might be the ones you look to promote a product.

Won't most people really identify with him on those credit card ads?

~There were two things that kept me from getting laid in high school.

1 That 1977 Monte Carlo painted poop brown that I owned as my first car: No girl in their right mind would be seen driving around in that piece of crap with me. All the cool guys had nice cars with rims and speakers, while my push-button radio barely worked. And, I believe burned out after a thunder storm. Things were so depressing.

2 Marching Band: Yeah, being a member of the marching band kept the girls from looking my way. If you weren't in a sporting group, they pretty much ignored you. You can't spit game with a tuba wrapped around you.

That is probably the reason I didn't go to the prom, however I'm sort of thankful for that.

Bad times

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