Monday, August 04, 2008

Random Bits

Jet Li: “You must be destroyed, because you cannot act.”

Brendan Fraser: “Hey, you must have not seen me in Encino Man.”

Jet Li: “That’s why I’m trying to kill you.”

Random Bits

~Hey, I really don't care that Lindsay Lohan is gay, but I am disturbed by her 'girlfriend's' choice of hats. Why sport the Dick Tracy hat? Or is it Carmen Sandiego hat? By the way, didn't someone from her family say that Lohan wasn't her father? Screw the other Lohan reality show, this is the one I want to see.

~Alan Moore being bitter about the Watchmen: Now, I’m not saying I hate Alan Moore, but I hate the fact the fact he’s so bitter about Hollywood that the press seems to real get off interviewing him. He then comes out and makes statements about distancing himself from the movies. Such is the case with the new Watchmen movie, which he says he will refuse to see. Hey, I understand that the producers lied about him being ‘very pleased’ with the V For Vendetta script, but I think we know right now what kind of statement he's going to make. Moore stick to writing comics and take Frank Miller with you.

~Lately, I’ve come across people I just don’t have a good vibe for. When I see them face-to-face, they seem like they’re hiding their douche baggy-ness from me. But, they aren’t doing a good job of it. Most of it is coming from service people. I know your job sucks, but please don't try to hide your contempt for me under that false smile. If you're going to be a dick, then be a dick.

~I at first was a bit uneasy about there being another Mummy movie, but another trailer came out and I was a little impressed with it. But, now it seems the movie is a total suck-fest. I thought Rob Cohen wouldn't be able to work in this town after bombing the movie Stealth in 2005. There was no indication that he had the skill to make another hit. However, the Mummy III has made more money overseas though, so basically this will end up becoming a hit for him. Remember this director made the movie The Skulls

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