Thursday, July 24, 2008

Wendy Williams -VS- Omarosa: Round One, Fight!

I'm not a big fan of Wendy Williams but I have to agree with her, Omarosa is a D-list person. Check out the video of Wendy and Omarosa squaring off. They keep talking over each other. It starts to go downhill when Omarosa attacks Wendy. You can check out the news report here.

However, my problem is this; why even have her on your show? Has she ever done anything worthwhile?

Don't help her promote her book. If we all ignore her, she'll disappear like Kato Kaelin. I can't say really like either one of them, but Omarosa gives professional black women a bad name. (here's a response)

You have to wonder if Omarosa did this as a stunt to promote her stupid book. It certainly seems that way. If Jenna Jameson can 'write' a book, then I guess she can too.

Here's another video link if the other one is deleted.

It's like Jason vs. Freddy. No matter who wins, we all lose.

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