Thursday, July 24, 2008

Random Junk

Random Junk

~Old Fart Robert Novak hits a Pedestrian and continues to drive: Yeah, this conservative columnist nearly took down the Bush White House unintentionally, but he also hit a guy on the street too. I guess at 77 you can use the 'I'm too old to notice' speech after being arrested. I'm guessing he had his left turn blinker on too.

~I’m a huge fan of the anime series Cowboy Bebop series and have to wonder if it is a good idea to make a live action version of the show. Plus, FOX is going to make this movie. Wasn't this the same studio that wanted to avoid marketing movies as sci-fi like Meet Dave?

~Here’s the song to Launch Base Zone Act 1: After realizing that Michael Jackson worked on the Sonic 3 soundtrack, I’m pretty sure this track was written by him. It's a very cool track. Btw, I didn't know they left the Green Hill Zone song unchanged in Super Smash Brothers.

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