Wednesday, July 09, 2008

How NOT to rob a place

How NOT to rob a place (Check out the video)

This happened in West Virginia. A father and son team decides it would be a bright idea to rob a doughnut shop. A doughnut shop! Keep in mind a doughnut shop is like a second home to police officers. I’m thinking these aren’t the smartest thugs in the world.

Btw, watch old guy on the right in the white shirt. He just calmly puts down his coffee and leans over to the other side. He was too old to even bother to react to the robbery.

Besides the fact it was doughnut shop here are a few more things wrong with the robbery.

1. They stole the lottery dispenser: Uh, wouldn’t the cops be able to track down the wining tickets through the numbers on the tickets? Then again, they’re probably the same a-holes that slow down the line at the gas station buying tickets.

2. They came in with plastic bags on their faces: Why not a mask and hood? You might just be arrested for walking around with a plastic bag on your face and arms. People might think you’re crazy.

3. The son wore the same clothes he had on when he came in casing the store: You either get a third man to case joint, usually a woman, or you change your clothes dumbass. (Note: using a woman won’t raise any suspicions. Damn, I’d make a good criminal.)

4. You robbed a place called Jolly Pirate Donuts: When you’re in prison, don’t mention the Jolly Pirate. Anything with the name Jolly won’t you hardcore. You’ll probably get your ass kicked.

5. You used your dad as a crime partner: Really? I guess you don’t have too many friends to help you out. Btw, that has to be the best father in the world or the worst. Hmm, maybe both.


  1. Using a parent in a con is perfectly acceptable... but in a robbery... that just isn't done.

  2. Definitely do-nutty. Reminds me of the guy over here who stole another guy's gold chain on the bus then spent seconds admiring himself in front of the CCTV.

  3. MC: Well said!

    Have to wonder if the father was the one that taught his son how to hold up a store.

    PJ: Okay, now I have to try and find that clip. Some of these guys need to get a mentor or something.

  4. indeed, I've seen more and more videos of criminals screwing up. Maybe there is something in the water.
