Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Being Mike Myers and that EW story

Yeah, baby, yeah!

Being Mike Myers and that EW story

Even though I’ve mentioned that Mike Myers seems to be wedged into the 90s, I still enjoyed many of his performances over the years. I liked Wayne’s World, Austin Powers I &II, and Shrek, I can’t let him pass for Cat in the Hat. (That Paris Hilton cameo ruined my perception of that movie forever.)

The Entertainment Weekly story above paints a not too rosy picture of Mr. Myers and his attitude. He’s pissed off many people over the years. It looks like some of it has come back to haunt him. I guess the Love Guru does have a bit of Karma to it.

Director Penelope Spheeris (Wayne’s World) has nothing nice to say about the guy. And, I remember that she mentioned that Myers and Dana Carvey would each film scenes their way and then decide which version was right for the film. I can’t imagine the arguments they had during the filming. If I’m not mistaken, Carvey and Myers had a falling out for a while too.

Penelope Spheeris would go on to say that Myers was the reason she wasn’t brought back for Wayne’s World 2, and I think that movie suffered for it too.

Anyway, I think it’s good that Myers got this Love Guru out of his system. Now, it is time for him to break out with something different.

However, now that this movie is a major critical and box office bomb, he might just retreat into hiding again like he did after Cat in the Hat in 2003. I hope he doesn’t and realizes that sometimes you can’t always get your way creatively. The movie might be better if there was a bit of a creative struggle going on.

A good example of this is Tim Burton.

Tim Burton had to fight for his vision during Batman (89), and he had to share his vision with producers and WB, which turned out to be a good choice. Batman was well received. However, when WB pretty let him do whatever he wanted without interference, he made the shit called Batman Returns.

I’m not saying Myers should give up his power, but he should remember that other skillful people around you could make you better.

Probably his best performance ever was during that Mike Myers Kanye West moment years ago. Brilliant acting there, Mike.

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