Monday, May 19, 2008

Random Things

Random Things

~Lindsay Lohan is asking for sponsors for her 22nd birthday. Wow, I guess her movie career is doing so bad that she’s taking sponsors. She just received news that the producers from an upcoming film dropped her from the project and now there’s word a Jack Black movie dropped her as well. But, she denies being dropped from the film; she dropped the film because she’s too busy. Yeah, busy selling out for your birthday party. (Way to spin it, girl.)

Showing up on Ugly Betty isn’t really considered ‘busy’.

~M. Night Shyamalan’s new movie has a great trailer, but one negative review has come out about The Happening. If you don’t want to be spoiled, don’t read the review.

~As I walked down Broadway during my weekend walk throughout the city, I noticed a bum standing near a bus stop. He stood there hunched over with his head shaking side to side. Nearby, a family checked the busing schedule and didn’t notice him yet. The bum started to punch downward at empty air, as if he was fighting an invisible enemy. He grunted and groaned with every uneven punch. The family noticed him and started to walk away. I walked passed him, hoping that he wouldn’t punch me.

After safely passing him, I wondered if should have used my cell phone and called the cops. “Nah, I’ll just let him continue to fight his own battle by himself.”

What the hell was that about?

~Remember that case with the woman who killed that trucker from Canada? I've gotten some comments from people claiming to be her former boyfriends and stating that she's still drinking after getting out of jail. I noticed a sharp surge in Google hits involving her name coming to my site. News has come out that she just came out of court today and records show she had an alcohol level three times the legal limit. Does this mean I'm going to get another e-mail from the police department asking for records and info like the last incident? Probably not...

~By the way, that case still hasn't been cleared up yet. I can say this; there are some people that are pissed off with me over this incident and the legal fallout. I do know that post is being used in a court case. I don't know who's more pissed off at me the roommate of that Cheerleader or Ray or certain people at my job.

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