Friday, May 16, 2008

Random Bits

Nice, very nice

Random Bits

~Looking at these photos of Megan Fox, I can safely say that I am in love. Women always look better covered in water.

~Terrell Owens sued a Porn company (Bang Bros.) Because they showed him on their site as he walks through the shoot. MC has some more info on the appearance of T.O on Under One Roof. And, TMZ points out something strange about T.O’s character. He’s a porn producer.

~Marvel vs. DC Iron Man/Batman: I love all these stories. I like how Batman reminds Iron Man that Spiderman had a bigger opening and Venom had more screen time than Iron Man's villain. The main villain was the only problem I had with the movie.

~Make a hot girl laugh: I love these bits. Check them out here and here. I pride myself into making people laugh in real life, including hot girls. Too bad it doesn't translate into her giving me her number or myspace page.


  1. Damn, that Megan Fox picture is my new wallpaper.

  2. I'm tempted to add it to my wall paper or screensaver too.
