Friday, May 16, 2008

Bill O'Reilly remixed

Bill O'Reilly Remixed and Parodied

After this O'Reilly footage resurfaced, people have been remixing and making up their own videos involving this bloated blow-hard.

Here are a few of my favorite ones.

The Dance Remix: I can see this being played in some trendy club with glow sticks and moving dance lights.

Here's a Parody with a guy that looks like a younger Paul Shaffer: The video is pretty funny.

Bill O'Reilly vs. Producer (Parody): This one is probably one of the best ones out there. Deflated basketball face, brilliant!

Colbert takes a jab at O'Reilly: Stephen Colbert defends O'Reilly's outburst with funny results.

O'Reilly Responds to the leaked video: Looking at that young O'Reilly, I'm amazed how much bigger his head has gotten and the turkey neck has grown too.

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