Monday, November 12, 2007

Moody to the end

Dr. Moody is pissed

Someone was having a bad day that got even worst. Dr. Moody got pissed off when some guy blocked the driveway to a parking area. He actually goes up to the guy’s car and shoves him out of the way and gets in the guy’s car. First of all, it would be at this point that I would have thrown him out of my car. Plus, no one is shoving me that way. (Moody shoves the guy multiple times, and the guy does nothing.)

Moody then shifts his anger to the cameraman filming it. From there, he proceeds to shove the wimpy guy’s sister to the street. That’s when wimpy guy finally stands up for himself and his sister.

At first, I was trying to figure why the Moody was all pissed off, and then I realized that he is in the business of Dentistry. And, we all know dentists enjoy giving us pain. I am guessing he wanted to cause a bit some outside the office.

Here's the news video to the video clip. (BTW, these are some of the lamest newscasters ever seen; watch the last few seconds to see what I mean.)

People have to remember that someone is recording around you, and you can't behave in this type of manner and not expect there to be a fallout from it. I have anger issues too, but I try to think before I act. Your actions have a way of coming back on you, Dr. Moody.


  1. Speaking of crazy doctors:

  2. Wow, what a jerk. Like the fact he went to his office and stayed in there when the cops showed up.

  3. I worked for Dr. Moody about 20 years ago. He was not a nice man then and obviosly nothing has changed. I am not suprised by this video at all.

  4. thanks for the insight, Las in NY.

    I'm trying to figure why he's so bent out of shape over this. this clears up some things though.

    I'm betting now, he's pretty much lost his practice now.
