Monday, November 12, 2007

20 balloons

Balloons rule

I drove up a ramp on one of the Highways that led toward the East End of Louisville. I was in the last right lane and then switched to the middle lane to pass some slower cars. In the distance, I noticed something bobbing up and down among the traffic. As I drew closer in my car, I discovered it was a large bundle of party balloons. There had to be at least 20 of them tied together.

With every car that passed by, the balloons would go flying into the air and then back down to the highway level. As I passed the balloons, I quickly looked back in my mirror and watched as they went upward and back down. Except this time a rundown old car with a messed up bumper drove in front of them. Somehow, the balloons got caught in the car’s bumper and stayed there while he was going 60 mph.

I never laughed so hard. Here was this rundown car driving down the highway with a bunch of colorful balloons stuck to it. It almost looked like a clown car somehow got lost on its way to the circus. I also got a kick out of the fact that this guy in the car didn’t seemed to mind that he had 20 balloons stuck to the bumper as he raced down the road.

As he pulled away to an off ramp five minute later, I wonder if he brought the balloons home to his wife or girlfriend, pretending that he got them for her.

“Oh, honey, why did you get me some balloons?” the wife said, grabbing them from him.

Stinkoman grinned and said, “Oh, I was driving and balloons sort of popped in my mind as a good gift for you.”

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