Friday, October 05, 2007

Random bits The after School special.

Damn you

Random bits

~Okay, Letterman is the man. I just love the way he picks on Paris when all she wants to talk about is her crappy products. He basically goofs on her, but she's too stupid realize it. At one point, she refuses to talk about her jail time.

~I'm too hot to handle and too cold to hold.

~I ran over a dead skunk on the way home and I still can't get the smell out of the car. It still stinks to high hell. I have smelled anything this bad since baby poop. How does one run over a dead skunk.

~It looks like A Tribe Call Quest came together for a performance. I always liked these guys and their music as well.

~Speaking of Skunks, I nearly walked into a path of a skunk while I was walking on one of my late walks in Louisville. I saw the white stripe and I stopped in my tracks and let him pass me with no problems. He seemed to ignore me as well.


  1. ive never really ever come face to face with a real skunk. do they really stink that bad? i mean, the most i know from them, i learnt from warner bro's cartoons

  2. Oh, yeah. it is impossible to get the smell out in conventional methods if they spray you directly. It's a very bitter smell that can make you very sick.

    It's been five days since I ran over the dead skunk and I could still detect the smell on my car last night.

    lol, yeah I wonder if real skunks have a French accent and flirt with female cats like that character from those Warner Bros cartoons
