Thursday, October 04, 2007

Danny Bonaduce vs. Fairplay (who is that?)

Nice Pink Shirt there, Danny.

Danny Bonaduce busted up Jonny Fairplay

First of all, why is there a Reality Show awards show? Do we really need to give awards to has-beens and reality stars? I was going to ask why is FOX hosting this show, but I realize this is FOX we’re talking about.

Basically some loser named Jonny Fairplay got ‘flipped’ by the self-centered Danny Bonaduce. You can see the video here.

After listening to a lot of podcast of The Adam Carolla Show, I really can’t stand this guy. However, I have to side with Danny on this one. If a guy looking like Jonny Fairplay jumped on me and started humping me like a dog, I throw him off me too. I wouldn’t have flipped him though.

In the video, you can see Fairplay run off stage holding his mouth.

((Bonaduce "threw me over his head as hard as he could. ... I just went, like, mouth first into the stage," he said.

"It knocked one tooth out and then it moved three others ... there's like floating bones. One tooth is, like, shattered eight times. There's like eight breaks," Fairplay said.

Fairplay said he underwent 2 1/2 hours of dental surgery and needs additional work.

Asked if he had any last words to say to Bonaduce, he replied: "You're mean."))

Rule #236712: Never hump a guy in the chest unless he wants you to do it.

Rule #3214: Don’t piss off Bonaduce.

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