Friday, September 14, 2007

Yet another Bollywood Review

Yet another Bollywood Review

chiku buku!

Well, the video starts out with a little kid spitting game to an attractive Indian woman. And, then he punches her! I’m not making this up; he actually punches her in the f’ing face. I guess someone has been teaching him to keep his pimp hand strong at a young age.

After the physical abuse from the little kid, the main guy comes jumping into frame the same way Michael Jackson did back his glory days. For some reason, he has the ability to produce really bad animated things from his body, and proceeds to throw them at the lady.

The dancing is right out of MJ’s hand book. Heck, it looks like they even used the same locations as ‘Beat It’. The chords are right out of MJ’s writing style too, trust me.

Not as good as the other Bollywood videos I’ve reviewed, but entertaining.

Grade: C

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