Friday, September 14, 2007

To Setara Qassim: Southwest: Cover up or we will throw you off the flight while in the air!

Are we living in the 1820s?

Southwest does it again, or we are led to believe…

What the hell is going on? This dress is a little bit more revealing than Kayla Ebbert’s outfit, but still. This is getting a little out of hand. What is going on over at Southwest?

((Setara Qassim is another beautiful young woman deemed “too sexy for the plane” by Southwest Airlines. Here are pictures of Setara Qassim in the green halter top dress that Southwest said was too sexy to fly in and the news video clip where Setara talks about being forced to cover herself with a blanket.))

By the way, she’s really cute too.

I’m starting to wonder if the complaints are coming from other women on the flight, as well as those conservatives. I’ve noticed the glares from other women when an attractive women walks by with some revealing clothing.

If it this was a family flight how is this dress considered offensive?

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