Thursday, September 27, 2007

Random Thoughts (The New Kids Version)

Random Thoughts (The New Kids Version)

~It is kind of strange that most of my classes are in the morning, even though I work in the night. I usually go to sleep at 6 AM and get up at 9AM for class. As I was leaving from school I saw someone from work coming into school around 3PM. I guess most people that work at night with come in much later in school.

~I didn't even know there was a Revenge of the Nerds remake in the works, only later to be completely scrapped. They even filmed some footage, before someone figured out the movie sucked. The concept has been done over and over again. Why would we need a remake? The movie hasn't aged well at all.

~F’ing Bill O’Reilly does it again. While I can actually see what O’Reilly was getting at. He was actually trying to talk about breaking stereotypes, but he just said it incorrectly. I don’t think we should be attacking him over this. However, trust me he’s done many things worth attacking him for though.

~I always liked these How to Be series on the web. And, this one here: How to be a Drum Major brought back memories of high school and post high school. I remember our Drum Major and her bright red hair. I never paid attention or talk to her in high school, perhaps because she was not in my peer group. But after I graduated High School, I ran into her in the Kroger Store I was working in. She actually took the time to talk to me and was extremely nice. She was very intelligent and had a lot to say. I wished I had gotten to know her in High School. Then I'd be doing some drum-majoring of my own.

Useless point: Woman Drum Majors sometimes have to lower their voices when ordering a marching band around. That way people can hear them.

~I was walking to my car, on the sidewalk, and I dug into my pocket and brought out some change, mostly comprising of pennies. Well, I dropped one, and I didn't bother to pick it up. I walked on, but I looked over my shoulder. I saw a guy pick up the penny I just freaking dropped. I sort got pissed about this. It was only a penny. I refuse to pick one up if I see it, but this guy just had to have my penny. I'm one of the cheapest guys in the world, but that's even too cheap for me.

~Check out these Bud ads: These are great. Especially the second one.


  1. I don't think he was picking up the penny for the money... he was doing so for the luck.

  2. Okay, that makes sense now. Doesn't the whole luck thing depend on which side is face up?

    So, what happens to the guy that dropped the penny? bad luck.

    BTW, I am cheap enough to stop for a dime though

  3. I can vouch for the Female Drum Major comment. I too am a red-headed once Drum Major. I had to adopt a deeper more drill sargeant voice and project well in order for everyone to hear me on the field. *side useless fact - in Drum Major camp you get taught to say "Forward HARch instead of March" it just projects better. *

  4. Hey, that's cool. I didnt know that about you. I feel for you drum majors because you all have to go through extra training.

    lol, I love those orders "H-up H-up ready, go!"

    Band attend-hut! (Attention)
    Yeah, she used a lot of 'h's in her commands. Now, I know.

    (and knowing is half the battle)
