Thursday, September 27, 2007

Hola, mi nombre es James. Recepción.

Oh, my

10 Things to say in Spanish to pick up a girl

Comment: I’d like to spit some game to the Latino chicks as much as the next guy. So, I’m going to write these lines down. Thanks to Babel Fish here are my own pick up lines.

Where is the closest Taco Bell?

¿Dónde es el taco más cercano Bell?

Why? Because you are buying.

¿Por qué? Porque usted está comprando.

How do you say Jar-Jar Binks in Spanish?

¿Cómo usted dice el Tarro-Tarro Binks en español?

Look, I didn't say you looked like Jar-Jar Binks. I just wanted to know how to say it. Don't give me that look.

Mire, no dije que usted parecía el Tarro-Tarro Binks. Acabo de desear saber decirlo. No me dé esa mirada.

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