Tuesday, September 18, 2007

More Terms

Please turn up your stereo , because I want to hear that Moby track too in my car.

More Terms from the Urban Dictionary

stripper wallet: When you're carrying a wallet with only $20s and $1s. Twenties for the pay, and $1s for the tips.

Comment: Ha-ha, have I ever had a 'stripper wallet'? A gentleman never tells...

conswervative: A conservative politician or other public figure caught doing things that he has denounced on record. (Larry Craig is a conswervative, as is Ted Haggard )

Comment: I didn't add the example. Basically it's “do as I say and not as I do.”

Brodeo: A get-together or a party where the attendance is prodominantly male.

Comment: I always ask how many women will be at the party. It's just better odds for you if there are more women at the party...not by much though, because I'm still more than likely going to go home by myself. This is commonly known as the Sausage Fest, not to be confused by with the crappy movie Beer Fest.

Subwoofing: When one sits around in a parking lot after school, blasting their car stereo really loud, subwoofers and all. This generally irritates those living nearby, who often will express their 'gratitude' by either calling the cops or reducing the number of functional body parts of the perpertrator.

Comment: I really hate these guys. Okay, you have a nice speaker system, it doesn't mean I have to hear it in my car. Call me old fashion.


  1. lol, these are gems, urban dictionary is my personal reference to all urban, geek and otherwise non regular meaning so the world...

  2. edit: i noticed no one Stumbled you, i took the liberty, usually anything that gets stumbled gets a few hundred extra hits, just giving you the heads up, in case some more countries ban you :D

  3. hey, thanks for the stumble, I been there but never understood the how it worked. But I need to get into it.

    the urban Dictionary is great

  4. You may start getting some stumbleupon traffic from me as well as I start going through the transmundanity awards and adding those entries to the cycle(the award winning entries, not my write-ups about them).

  5. Thanks, I need to figure out how to do this site, because there are some good blogs on it I'd like to see.
