Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Blades of glory

Blades of glory

I like Will Ferrell and many of his movies, but this one wasn’t that good. The story is about two rival skaters getting banned from professional Ice Skating and being forced to team up for pairs. Except there is a problem, they’re both men. While the gag of them being men and doing very awkward skating moves is very funny, most of the rest of the movie is rather dull. There needed to be more of awkwardness between the two characters.

I believe the main problem has to do with the unsteady script, and so-so directing. There needed to be just a little bit more energy in the scenes and little bit more wit. I laughed sometimes, so some of it worked. Jon Heder is simply playing a lighter version of his Napoleon Dynamite character. Will Ferrell does what he can and does a good job. Sometimes, Ferrell’s scenes went on too long, while other scenes could have gone on longer.

I really liked how the music. It was grand and over-the-top, which says that the movie never takes itself too seriously. Some of the scenes are just funny because they’re so ‘out there’. It’s a shame the script wasn’t up to the quality of the people involved.

Grade: C

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