Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Transformers (Part 3 of 3)


You don’t go into a Robot movie thinking it will be the smartest movie ever made. However, there are a few Bay moments I could have done without. I didn’t care for the XBOX moment, and I still feel like this movie could be seen as a Go Army movie a little bit. The plot is beyond paper thin and there are a few annoying characters toward the end of the movie.

To my surprise, Steve Jablonsky score worked for me. I’m amazed Bay used a more old school score and considering Bay loves using blaring rock songs in his movies more than actual music. While I would have liked to have heard a score reminding me of the old show’s score (or the movie), I have to give Jablonsky a passable grade on the music. It worked when it needed to, but most of it did stand out for me. I enjoyed his main Autobot theme when we see the Autobots come flying to Earth.

However, I loved the final battle between the good guys and the bad guys. This is what Bay does best, and he’s at the top of his game here in this movie. Bay knows how to use the amazing CGI with the live action. And this is what people had a problem with in the movie. Because the CGI was so amazing, people wanted to see more of the character interaction between the robots, and we didn’t get enough of that. However, we have to remember that Bay doesn’t do character development very well.

Given the mess we’ve seen with some other movies (Spiderman III) this summer, this loud and dumb Robot movie was enjoyable and took me back to period in my childhood that I enjoyed living through. So, don’t take this movie seriously and sit back and enjoy the ride with cool cars that transform into robots.

Grade B

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