Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Top Ten things I enjoyed about Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace . Part 1

Top Ten things I enjoyed about Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace . Part 1

Okay, I enjoyed doing the Return of the Jedi list, so I decided to write up another one. This time, I’m taking on Episode 1 with Ten things I liked.

1. Qui-Gon Jinn: Given that Liam Neeson had to act against a stupid CGI Jar-Jar and a kid that couldn’t act, I think he did a great job (Jorrrb). This showed that Lucas kind of knew what he was doing with some of the casting in this movie. Only Neeson could put character into Lucas’ wooden script. Hell, I want to be like Mr. Jinn.

2. Trade Federation: While many didn’t like these guys and their robotic empire, I thought it was a bold move to go with a capitalistic government than someone group that was pure evil. Okay, the Neimoidians are bit too racist and giving in to stereotyping Asians.

3. Captain Panaka: This guy was a total badass and you can’t go wrong with name like that. Watch the movie, and you will notice that he’s the most negative guy in the entire movie. He rains on everyone’s parade. (I heard the actor didn’t get along with Lucas. Is this true?)

4. Darth Maul: Okay, he’s has to be on the damn list because he might kill me. Plus, he’s standing over my shoulder.

5. Supreme Chancellor Valorum: He’s like the George W. Bush of Space. He is weak and simple-minded and lets the people around him control his actions. Don’t forget that Terence ‘kneel before Zod’ Stamp played this guy.


  1. those are good top picks. liam neeson's performance and the final lightsaber fight are the only things, in my opinion, worth really noting with phantom menace.


  2. Yep, the Final battle will be on the list. Lucas could have made a better picture, but he was think merchandising than telling a halfway good story
