Thursday, July 12, 2007

Transformers (Part 1 of 3)

Transformers (Part 1 of 3)

Being like every other kid growing up in the 90s, there were a few things defined our generation, and one of them being The Transformers from the 80s. I remember running home from the school bus after school and trying to get inside so I could watch GI Joe and Transformers back to back. I would get the toys and play for hours on hours. Transformers meant a lot to a boy. I mean come on; who wouldn’t want a car that was able to transform into a robot. With all these fond memories of the show and after hearing about Michael Bay doing a live action movie, I was more than a little uneasy about the movie and how it would end up. I can safely say I was wrong. Somehow, Bay was able to use his Music Video skills to give us a big, loud and enjoyable action summer movie. It was a movie about big freaking robots beating each other up.

I found the relationship between Bumble Bee and Sam Witwicky to be very enjoyable. I really liked their friendship despite the fact they couldn’t talk to each other. That first 40 minutes dealing with their relationship is simply funny and cute.

Also enjoyed the opening attack on the military base in Qatar. Blackout attack was very impressive CGI work. Plus, I think it was neat that he carries Scorponok on his body and activates him when he wants to track down the surviving soldiers. The CGI work when Scorponok attacks the soldiers is also something worth mentioning. This entire sequence is just amazing to watch. You have to love Bay’s use of slow motion shots of the pilots getting into their planes. He loves using these shots in all his movies.

The comedic aspects work for the most part in the film. Almost all the Bumble Bee comedy bits actually are very funny. At first, I didn’t think the talking radio bits weren’t going to work, but it did and it wasn’t overused. I loved when Bumble Bee tried to set Sam up with Megan Fox. Man, I wish I had a car like that.

The Witwicky family was also fun to watch interact and I think we’ve all had those strange family moments, except for the giant robots in the backyard.

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