Friday, July 13, 2007

Cloverfield update

New Cloverfield update

They added a new picture. This one has people covering their mouths and noses in a cloud of white smoke or dust. Is there anything hidden in this new picture?

What the hell does this third picture mean?

All right, the third picture has the time as 12:48A, which is set after the other two pictures. There are at least four people in the picture.


  1. I hope this movie is going to live up to the hype it's generating. The third picture looks as if something that defines the main plot has happened.

    From what i've been reading in the comments in the ethan haas blogs (not sure if they're accurate), something major happens, and an ET comes and apparently leads man away from the path he is on, which is wrong, somthing higher up, who knew something like this would happen. Lots of claimed biblical references, in that LOST fashion as well, spooky

  2. I hope it does too, this could be a very well done horror/monster movie.

    Yeah, something very big has happened between the second photo and the first. Someone has stated that there appears to be a cop in the third photo firing his gun at something.

    I do like all the unanswered questions behind this cloverfield stuff. And it appears people are googling me for answers, which I don't have LOL.
