Sunday, June 17, 2007

To Zanarkand and back

The music to Final Fantasy X was truly amazing and heartfelt. It was a touching tribute to all the fine work of Nobuo Uematsu has done over the years. FFX has different vibe from many of his other scores. It is more New Age and While I understand why left the FF series, but I miss his music.

One of the best songs from the game soundtrack was 'To Zanarkand'.

Here is the way the song is presented in the game.

Here's a young lady playing it nicely on her piano. Her name is Maaikees and she has some skills. (Only one thing, I think she plays it a little too fast. It should have a more somber pace.)

Orchestra Version: This one is simply wonderful to listen to, check it out. It has a nice arrangement to it.

Bonus Clip, A guy in a Banana Suit playing it: I'm not making this up, he plays the piano with a Banana suit on. Yes, I'm easily amused. I guess his “sh*t really is bananas B-A-N-A-N-A-S”. Is it Peanut Butter Jelly Time FFX style?

Best FFX Character EVER


  1. I wonder if i have this album,


  2. i liked the banana's performance over the woman's. lol the orchestra was wonderfully done, good find.


  3. I can see your point on Mr. Banana, I just thought the lady played it a little bit better, if a little too fast.

    Yeah, I loved the orchestra one best, it was a different arrangement from the song at the end of the game.
