Monday, June 18, 2007

Die Harding

Bruce Talks Die Hard 4

While the PG-13 thing does get on my nerves, I do like some of the things coming out of the trailers. Plus, I have to give credit to Bruce Willis for answering questions and making fun of Bay on Ain’t it Cool News.

Bruce Willis has proven time and time again that’s he’s a good actor, and yet I’m not sold on this new director.

Question: Did we really need the new trailer to give away that his daughter has been kidnapped? Can we keep some plot points covered up when selling a film?

((Second Life: You've said that this movie is as good as the first. Could you elaborate on that?
Willis: Well, two things. Len Wiseman and I both were of a similar mind in that we wanted the film to have as little CGI effects in it as possible. We wanted the film to be as hardcore as possible and as smashmouth when it came to the violence as possible, to have stunts and kills in the film that were unique, which posed a particular set of problems because you not only had to compete with our own first three films, but with the "Lethal Weapon" series and all the other knock-offs of the "Die Hard" films that have been done since 1986, of which there are many. Not to mention how good stunts and special effects have become on TV shows like "24," of which I'm a big fan. TV's come a long way, you know. Special effects, especially CGI effects, have been made much more cost-effective since those days. So Len, I think really more than myself, was really responsible for some of the big set pieces in this film. It wasn't until I saw the film cut together that I realized how big a part of the mythology of "Die Hard" elevators are. There's an elevator scene in every one of the films and now, in the fourth instalment, there's a huge set piece with this ongoing fight that I have with Maggie Q, who plays this expert martial artist. I have to fight her in order to… I actually have to take a tremendous beating in order to give Justin Long time enough to do what he has to do from the technical side.))

Well, having Maggie Q in the film is a big plus in my book.

BTW, loved Bruce’s cameo in Loaded Weapon 1.

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