Monday, June 25, 2007

Smokin’ Aces

Smokin’ Aces

While I really liked the all the actors in the movie, I’m not certain I like the movie that much. I’m just not certain at all. The movie is about all these hitmen going after a guy named Buddy 'Aces' Israel (Jeremy Piven), which includes the government that wants him to testify against the Mob. The movie is bloody and deserves it R-Rating, and I’m not complaining at all about the intense violence. Yet, there’s something missing from the story. It feels incomplete somehow.

Yet, you have some really good actors in the film such as Ray Liotta and
Andy Garcia. Maybe I didn’t care enough for most of the characters and it turned into a shootout between people I didn’t care about.

Alicia Keys is lovely, sexy and pretty good in her first movie role, which is interesting because she has a great deal of screen time. Matthew Fox is almost unrecognizable in his small part, and I can’t believe what Jason Bateman did in the movie.

So, if you want to see some pretty good shootouts, but not a deep or meaningful movie, this might be okay for you. I’d see it for Alicia Keys if I were you.

Grade: C-

That Bunny Head might be a Silent Hill reference. It’s true; there are many bunny suits in the Silent Hill series, bloody suits.
So, is he a Jedi?
Semaj: “Look, Alicia Keys, I just asked for your phone number. You didn’t have to get all ‘Pulp Fiction’ on me.”


  1. I agree, the movie wasn't amazing, the story was good, but they left out the proper storyline towards the end and beginning, that just spoiled it.

    My favourite part of the movie is when they use the .50-cal Barrett, i <3 that gun.

  2. I have to say the ending totally wrecks the rest of the movie... and the alternate was no better.

  3. Blayde: Yeah that weapon was nice and I loved seeing the guys literally flying in the air when they got shot.

    I thought she was going to bring down that chopper.

    Mc: I'm still pissed about that ending, either one. It was so out of character for that guy. Why would he even do that? I'm guessing the producers wanted an extreme ending.
