Monday, June 25, 2007

Knocked Up

Knocked Up

This movie was able to mix the raunchy stuff from the 40 Year Old Virgin and mix it with a somewhat delightful relationship story. The story is about a one-night-stand between two completely different people that goes wrong when the woman ends up ‘knocked up’. With this relationship comedy, Judd Apatow is able convey the completely different worlds these two characters live, and yet somehow they have to learn to live together.

While I found Apatow’s 40 Year to be funnier, Knocked Up has more heart. I am a guy who generally hates babies and kids, but yet I even found this story to have a kind of a nice message. It’s a message about making a relationship work and we have to give a little away to make it work. Don’t get me wrong; this movie is dirty, hell really dirty. There are a lot of boob shots and nudity from both males and females. There’s also a gross out shot of the ‘birthing process’ thrown in for good measure, but I think nearly everyone has seen actual footage of a woman giving birth not to be too shocked by it.

There is a great deal of witty dialogue in this movie that is even better than some of the sight gags. Apatow knows how to let the actors read his lines, but add their own mark to the material. In a strange way, some of it reminded me of Kevin Smith’s work. And, I think the way these characters speak to each other is one of the stronger portions of the film. Seth Rogen’s friends speak a certain way and Katherine Heigl’s people another.

Probably, what will start to get on people’s nerves is the long running time for a comedy. Comedies generally have a shorter running time. I felt the last 20 minutes started to get stale, and didn’t have the wit the rest of the movie had. But, don’t let that scare you away. (Note: another negative is the multiple Spiderman III mentions. Did Spiderman III know it was going to get this much promotion within the film?)

Grade B+

Note: I really hate Ryan Seacrest, but his cameo and rant about young Hollywood was one of the best scenes in the movie. I loved seeing Seacrest make fun of himself.

Note II: There’s a crack at Matthew Fox in the film too.

Movie Announcer Voice Guy: “In a world where One Night Stands are dangerous, and one couple defies a corrupt society where a mad man is President…”
You the know Housing Market has really taken a hit when you see this picture.

Katherine Heigl: “They say the Men in Black use this device to wipe out short term memory.”

Leslie Mann: “Do you believe that?”

Katherine Heigl: “Only one way to find out.”

She presses the button and a white flash comes out.

Katherine Heigl: “They say the Men in Black use this device to wipe out short term memory.”

Leslie Mann: “Do you believe that?”

Katherine Heigl: “Only one way to find out.”

She presses the button and a white flash comes out.


  1. Does anyone like Ryan Seacrest? Anyone?

  2. lol, I think there are a few fangirls over at Imdb that seem to gush over him.
