Sunday, June 10, 2007

Murphy's Pwned

This CutewithChris guy really knows how to pwn haters. I always find it amazing at the lengths haters will go to attack people they don't like. If you have seen the video, here's the cloned profile of Murphy. There are a lot of oily muscle men in Murphy’s collection...What the hell? I’m sure Murphy is beyond embarrassed now.

I have to give Chris major respect. He doesn’t cuss them out, he puts them on down in very sly way. I generally yell at the nameless attack comments, so I could a thing or two from Chris.

RALPH/Alanis: You would think Murphy would have learned from Ralph’s public owning earlier.

Chris recites T-PAIN: This put Chris on the map, and I will never hear the song the same again. I will only hear, “Let me buy you a driiiinnnnnk.”


  1. The tone of voice totally sells the comedy.

  2. Yeah, He's tone is priceless. I still get a kick out of his 'buy you a driiiinnnkk."

    Got love that smirk he has on his face.
