Sunday, June 10, 2007

Cloud from Final Fantasy VII in Final Fantasy Tactics

Cloud from Final Fantasy VII in FFT

Comment: Fresh off of the massive hit of Final Fantasy, Square did something really neat. In Final Fantasy Tactics, they included an extremely long subplot/side quest where you embarked on getting Cloud, the main hero from FF7, into your main party. While crossovers are very big in the FF line now, back then you almost never saw this type of crossover between FF games. Each game was set in its own universe.

Getting Cloud in your party will net you some powerful allies, like Beowulf, his wife (she has a way of charming enemy dragons to your side), and a cool robot.

Things to notice in this movie…

~Pay close attention to what Cloud says once he was pulled into the FFT universe. He mentions getting caught in a current. Remember, in FF7 Cloud gets caught in the lifestream for a long time, and another character takes over the leader spot in the game. My theory is that Cloud was lost and pulled into the FFT world by the device.

~Cloud is very confused in this story, he mentions his Soldier rank and he has those strange headaches that he had during FF7.

~The Flower Girl in FFT is Aeris from the FFT universe. With the Kingdom Hearts to support this theory, it would appear each universe (game) may have the same characters from the other games in them. Aeris has a different background from the one we know in FF7.

~His reaction to her is very interesting.

~Catch the Sephiroth mention, '...phiros'

~This happens sometime after Aeris in FF7 has died.

~Most of your characters will be fairly high in levels, but Cloud will start around level 1, which is a bummer. But, if you take the time to level him up, he will become one of the most powerful characters in the game.

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