Friday, June 01, 2007

Help with the females...

Women want a washed up actor turned selfish movie director with a drunken past to ask them out.

It would seem a very funny video blogger has posted a very funny video about one of the many mysteries in the universe, women.

I need help with the Females

Comment: He makes some entertaining points and remarks about the whole dating thing.

I’d be one happy guy if girls started jumping out of trees to get with me. Hell, I’ve tried that damn Axe Body stray, and it seems to have the opposite effect. Curse you advertising.

What’s funny he’s gotten some very interesting responses from hot girls!

Re: I need help with the Females: Yeah, she has a point and she’s cute with that nerd look going for her.

Re: I need help with the Females: She’s pretty attractive too and she has some good points. This is really working for him.

Re: I need help with the Females: Okay, I just ignored her and was just checking her out. Damn, my short attention span.


  1. Or what about this little gem... what a girl says she wants in a guy and what she actually wants are two different things.

    Sense of Humor my ass.

    A retort from the world of femininity via Snackie's World this week.

  2. So true, so true.
    You also need index cards to understand the various answers. "So 'kinda' means yes sometimes, 'yes' means no, on a Tuesday.

    Thanks for the link, checking it out now.
