Saturday, June 02, 2007

Garrett Wang's podcast interview

Harry Kim gets interviewed

Garrett Wang does a remarkable interview with these Greekon guys. He reveals some interesting things about the behind the scenes stuff about Voyager. I was never a fan of Wang’s performances on Voyager and his character was probably the least developed one on the show. He was a freaking ensign the whole time on Voyager; even Nog from DS9 got a few promotions, and he was a guest star. In the interview, he comes across pretty honest and funny. It is a complete contrast to his interviews during the show’s run, when they had to watch what they had to say.

I feel kind of bad that he really hasn’t worked since Voyager ended. Demon Island and Into the West were his post-Star Trek roles. Is Demon Island the hell side of the LOST Island, think of Silent Hill?

Here are a few highlights from the interview.

~Wang explains how he got into show business, and that his parents wanted him to be a doctor. He convinced them to loan him some money so that he could focus on acting.

~He tells a great story about his encounter with a casting director on Voyager.

~He completely bashes Rick Berman. He says that Berman pretty much never visited the set, and that the guy was an asshole. He even says that Berman will probably go to hell.

~He makes a few remarks about Brannon Braga. With his statements about the man, and Ron Moore’s remarks about working on Voyager, this must have been one of the worst sets to work on. It was the complete opposite from TNG and DS9. It goes back to the pressure the producers were under because it was a network show, unlike TNG and DS9.

~He kind of hints that there were problems with Jennifer Lien (Kes) and the reasons behind her departure are still not clear.

~Wang also mentions the HUGE feud between Kate Mulgrew and Jeri Ryan. After Jeri Ryan showed up, Mulgrew treated Ryan like shit for nearly the entire run of the show. Things got so heated between the two that most of the cast members didn’t want to be on the set or come into work.

Keep in mind that when Jeri Ryan joined the cast, Mulgrew and Ryan became the main stars of the show. Everyone else was pushed to background players and the rest really never had anything to do with the show. So these two women, whom hated each other, were practically on screen together 75% of the time. Ouch…

Things got even worst when Braga started dating Jeri Ryan. This was probably a big no-no.

This was called Character Development on Voyager.


  1. His voice is a lot deeper than I remember.

  2. Yep, he's certainly changed over the years. still can't believe how little acting he's done after voyager ended.

    Gotta love his long hair too.
