Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Box Office Jam

Box Office Jam

I hope these studios will hold back on making so many of these sequels. I do like that a R-rated film made some major cash. Studios need to stop watering down these films R-rated films to a PG-13. Yeah, I’m looking at you, Die Hard 4.

  1. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End $44.2M weekend $218 total gross: I’m not going to even waste my money watching this in the theater, and simply wait for it on DVD.
  2. Knocked Up $30.7Mweekend $30.7M total gross: While I love the fact this movie nearly took over the number one spot, I have a feeling this might be a raunchy comedy that’s really a chick flick. I’ve been burned before.
  3. Shrek the Third $28M $256M: Coming in at third is Shrek the Third. MC mentioned this on his blog; the merchandising for this film is horrible. There was a time when the Shrek franchise made fun of Disney business practices, now they’re just copy it with all the stupid cross promotions. Spiderman comes very close, but that stupid Pirates Wii ad was bad.
  4. Mr. Brooks $10M $10M: Back and to the left. Remember Waterworld and the Postman!
  5. Spider-Man 3 $7.58M $318M: Look, mom, two movies in one. Neat


  1. I am seriously hoping for no more sequels next year, with exception to Harry Potter and Narnia, cause those are based on successful BOOKS that are tried and true to actually being GOOD


  2. I thought it was funny that the first three movies were part III sequels
