Monday, May 14, 2007

Spiderman III (Part 3 of 3)

Spiderman III

The score by Christopher Young has its good and bad points, but not nearly as compelling or exciting as Elfman’s score from the second movie. There are rumors that Elfman did in fact score some of the movie, because Sony felt the music wasn’t very good. Young’s theme for Venom and the black suit was pretty good, if underused. I also liked Young’s take on Elfman’s Spiderman theme for the opening credits. The theme was different, yet still had the feel from the other two movies. Raimi should get credit for keeping the main theme.

I think it was a bad decision to shove Venom into an already dense plot. People are for complex plots, and we as movie fans need more of these movies. However, adding a marketable villain to already complete plot seems to cheapen the rest of the movie.

If I wrote the movie, I’d have the black goo show up in the later half of the movie and take over one of his suits. Peter feels that something isn’t right about the suit, so he stays away from it; later, he tries it a few times, but puts it away for the final battle, because he knows that it is changing him, but he can’t throw it away. This sets up Venom for Part 4.

Sam Raimi has a lot of respect for the Spiderman franchise and I’d like to see him do Part 4. I just wish he’d stand up to the studio executives a little bit more. Spiderman III may leave you a little incomplete, but it still has some emotional and technological things that should be seen, despite what George Lucas says. Not as good as Spiderman II, but still better than many of the Marvel movies out there.

Grade B-

Screw you, Lucas


  1. Venom was killed since birth by Sam Raimi

    Spiderman 3 is such a mess that fans are claiming for a new director

    Guillermo del Toro (Pan's Labyrinth, Hellboy)

  2. I know that Raimi was never pleased with Venom. I think there could have been a place for Venom, just not in SPiderman3

    I think Guillermo is too much a rebel for Sony to consider. I wasn't too pleased with his work on Blade 3, but I did like Hellboy. I could see your point
