Monday, May 14, 2007

Fortune Cookie Jam III

Fortune Cookie Jam

I’ve done a few fortune cookie posts about a year ago, so I figured I do another one.

I went to a local Chinese Restaurant, and I received two fortunes from one fortune cookie. I thought, Bonus! Does this mean they will cancel each other out or something far more sinister? Does this double my fortune?

I’d like to post them here.

The first one,

Sell your idea-they are totally acceptable.

Learn Chinese: Qin-Ai, Dear

Oh, dear. I actually like this fortune. I’m not too sure about the ‘totally acceptable’ part. How about ‘totally EXTREME Idea’?

The second fortune,

Good things are being said about you.

Learn Chinese: Yao-Ren, Date Someone

It’s nice to know that good things are being said about me, but I’d like them said to my face. Uh, so Yao-Ren means date someone. Great, even damn fortune cookies are making fun of my love life or lack of one. So, good things are being said about me, but you’re worried about my dating life. This is getting confusing.

Qin-Ai Yao-Ren!

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