Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Screw you, Paramount

Well, some Iron Man pictures were leaked onto the web last week, and all hell is breaking loose it seems. Man, the suit looks even better with the outside lighting.

Neil Miller has some thoughts on the whole thing. I don’t see why Paramount is getting upset about this because there is nothing negative in the original article. There are just some leaked photos taken on a public street nearby. Actually, this kind of reporting only helps them because it’s free press that builds hype for the film, and the fact people are talking about the movie should please them. When people aren't talking is when they should worry. Then again, we’re talking about Paramount, the same people that were far too loyal to Rick Berman to fire him years ago.

Miller makes some good points in his post about the relationship between Hollywood and the bloggers.


  1. Playing Marvel: Ultimate Alliance is making me want to see this and Spidey 3 all the more, but alas.

  2. Seems like the lawyers got hold of the original link - now it is only a blank page.

  3. Blayde: I need to get my hands on that game, but I have to finish FFXII first. I'll have a review up in a few hours

    Modifoo: That's a bummer, btW thanks for dropping in.
