Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Best Musical Scores from Superhero movies Part 2 of 2

Batman: “I’m looking at the man in the mirror.”

Bruce Wayne: “Rule number 1: Never quote from Michael Jackson while in the Bat-suit.”

6. Batman Returns: Okay, this one was toned down from the first movie, and it sounds like Elfman had a smaller orchestra to deal with, but the music has a darker feel, almost too dark. However, I liked how he morphed the Batman theme into a march for the main titles. Some of the Villain themes were good.

7. X3 The Last Stand: Yeah, sure Ratner made a mess of the film with poor decisions, but he got it right by having John Powell write the music for the third X-men film. I enjoyed hearing all the Dark Phoenix music.

8. Blade: With a mixture of Trance/Techno and Mark Isham’s brooding themes, the music helped give Blade its dark/dirty/emo tone. Yes, the Vampires were Emos in this movie, but still a great movie.

9. Batman Beyond Return of the Joker: Kristopher Carter mixes the hard rock from the TV show with the Danny Elfman style Batman music. While I never was a fan of the Rock/Trance fusion from the TV show, I did like the way it was used here with the orchestra.

10. Batman Forever: Okay, so you didn’t like the Batmobile driving up walls, but the music was pretty good for what it was. Not as pleasing as Elfman’s stuff…

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