Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Gary Devon Blum

I have bad news. My writing teacher Gary Devon Blum passed away a few days ago. This morning I receive an e-mail with his name on it, and I knew before opening it that he had died. His wife stated that he passed away. I went and visited him a week before he died. It pained me so much to see him in such a way, but I knew he’d be happy to see me. When I saw him, he opened his eyes and he looked so happy to see me appear in the doorway, despite not being able to talk. I told him how my life was going and that I’d plan to visit him again. After I left the hospital, little did I know it would be the last time I’d ever see him.

He wrote a few novels and taught at a few local universities, and this was where I met him. Gary was the kind of guy that had a low voice, but was soft-spoken. I can truly say that he was gentle person and cared about others. When I first met him and took his workshops, he helped me get through a difficult time in my life. He showed me that I had a voice in writing and gave me positive feedback. These were the things I lacked during the time. There’s something about having someone in your corner that gives you guidance and truly believes in your skill. Because of a lack of a father figure, I never had this guidance growing. He was a great role model and a friend. There’s so much loss in my heart now, realizing I’ll never get to see him again. As I type this, I’m looking at the notes on my manuscript from his line editing, it will play more important role now.

I just read the E-mail today and I still feel out of it, and I’m finding it hard to stay focused on studying for finals. So, long Gary Devon, you were something special. If I ever get this book published, I’m dedicating it to him.



  1. *big hugs* I'm sorry for your loss sweets. You know you can make it through finals. He'd be happy to know you did your best.

  2. my deepest condolences to your loss. my thoughts go to you and his family, and i hope that you will be able to make it through finals.


  3. Sad to hear it, heartfelt wishes form me.

  4. Thank you, Blayde. I'm a little upset over it, and I haven't been able to let it go, It's hit me a lot harder than I thought it would. but reading people's blogs and watching crazy clips has helped.

    Thanks for the support.

  5. I don't know if you will look at this, but having seen your blog i felt inclined to post something.

    I ran across this just google-ing names of people i know and found this very touching and heartfelt.

    Gary Devon Blum was a great man and is dearly missed by many. I'm very happy you went to visit him while he was sick. Many could not find the courage for that.

    Once again, I'd like to thank you for your thoughts and feelings

    Alexander Devon Blum

  6. I am nearly finished with Gary Devon's novel Lost, and I came across your entry trying to discover more about this author. Lost has been an amazing read so far. I had never heard of the man until I purchased this book at an estate sale, simply off the strength of the first page, but it should be a testament to his memory that his work will continue to reach people long after he is passed. Not many in the world are so blessed. I hope I am not dredging up something to unpleasant for you, but your post has really touched me.

  7. Thanks for the comment. Strangely enough IU interviewed about him recently and it brought back good memories.

  8. I am looking to get in touch with the family of Gary Devon. I am a great fan of his work. I am a filmmaker and wish to talk to them about a film adaptation of one of his books. I would so appreciate if you'd pass my email on to them ktab1@yahoo.com. Thank you.

  9. Curious if you published your work yet? I only met Gary twice. Once at a book signing he did for "Lost" in Owensboro, KY and once for his father's funeral.

    If you haven't published yet - stick with it & good luck!

    Bart Blum

  10. I started going the non-fiction path, but I am getting back into short stories and starting to brain storm some short stories too. But, nothing big as a novel yet.

    Are you related to Mr. Blum? You have the same last name.

  11. I haven't looked at this as much as I'd have liked, but this has always been one of my favorite stories about my father, from a viewpoint other than my own. My family and I still think about my father everyday and it is nice to know that others still rememeber him. If anyone needs to contact his family, I am here. Alexander.Blum@valpo.edu.

    Thank you once again for remembering a great man.

  12. No problem and thanks for posting a comment. Your father truly believed in me and that meant a lot given the life I've lived.
