Saturday, March 24, 2007

Random junk

Flash Mob Ninja Style at UC Berkeley

Comment: I like this one. A bunch of students stood around on campus and then break out into a huge Ninja Battle in front of everyone.

Newspaper flash mob

Comment: Crowds of students start reading newspapers…

Knock Don’t Run

Comment: As kids and Teenagers, we’ve all done the knock and run trick. However, has anyone tried the knock and don’t run trick? Walk up to someone’s door and knock, but just stand there when they open the door.

Note: Be careful, this might not work out too well for you in high crime areas. It'll end up being knock and get shot!


  1. Flash Mob is a cool concept!
    I totally dig the flash mob Ninja fight.... there is a where's waldo one on You tube that's kinda lame.

  2. I like it too, I waiting for someone to do it a my school. I thought the newspaper one was really fun to do.
